Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell sector applauds national strategy released by federal government

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December 17, 2020

VANCOUVER, TORONTO, AND MONTRÈAL - The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA), the Hydrogen Business Council of Canada (HBCoC), Hydrogen BC and Hydrogène Québec applaud and pledge to support implementation of the new National Hydrogen Strategy for Canada released by Natural Resources Canada on December 16th. A pillar of the revised Climate Plan released on December 11th, the strategy signals the federal government's commitment to pursue hydrogen energy as a key component of the country’s goal to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and to fully participate in the burgeoning global clean energy industry.

“The federal hydrogen strategy is great news for the country and our members,” says Dr. Francois Girard, Technical Leader, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies at the National Research Council (NRC) and Chair of the CHFCA. “It sends a clear signal for investment in our domestic hydrogen market, while providing further incentives for innovation in hydrogen and fuel cell technology. This is an essential component to help achieve Canada’s climate goals.”

Unveiled by Minister Seamus O’Regan, the National Hydrogen Strategy for Canada outlines various recommendations for action such as strategic partnerships, de-risking of investments, support for innovation, development of regulations, codes, and standards, enabling policies, raising public awareness, establishing regional blueprints, and strengthening export to international markets.

“The strategy provides the critical framework, and the government has signalled through the revised Climate Plan and the $1.5 billion Clean Fuel fund that it is prepared to back it with key policy & funding,” says Mark Kirby, President and CEO of the CHFCA. “This will stimulate private sector investment in hydrogen production and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell products, enabling us to meet our climate goals, grow our economy and develop exportable clean products and technology.”

Robert Stasko, Board Chair of the HBoC added, “We at the Hydrogen Business Council of Canada (HBoC) are very pleased and encouraged by the announcement of this strategy as a clean climate solution for all of Canada. Considering what this means from the perspective of Ontario, with our clean electricity supply and its capability to power emission-free hydrogen production, we are certainly looking forward to the significant contributions we can make in this nation-wide hydrogen effort for cleaner energy, transportation, industry, and the lowering of CO2 emissions.”

Canada is a pioneer in the development of the global hydrogen economy, starting four decades ago in fuel cell technology and with roots going back more than a century for innovation in hydrogen production technology. The country continues to be a leader in research, technology and commercial products in the sector. Canadian products and services are exported for use in applications in countries around the world, demonstrating the opportunity for growth and deployment on an international scale.

“The strategy is an immensely positive step to help bring the benefits of hydrogen energy to Canadians and global clients”, said Mr. Colin Armstrong, President and CEO of HTEC Hydrogen Technology and Energy Corporation and Chair of Hydrogen BC. “Hydrogen plays a critical role in British Columbia’s sustainable energy future as it provides an opportunity for sectors such as transport and natural gas to achieve safe and cost-efficient GHG emission reductions while supporting job development.”

“Hydrogène Quebec endorses the new Hydrogen Strategy for Canada to seize economic and environmental opportunities,” said Michel Archambault, Chair of Hydrogène Quebec and Business Development Director at Cummins Inc. “With its abundant renewable energy, Quebec occupies an eminently favorable position for the production and use of green hydrogen that can be used to decarbonize a multitude of sectors such as transport, industrial applications, biofuels, natural gas and ammonia production. Developing the green hydrogen sector in Québec is an important step toward a carbon-free economy.”

Canada’s abundant, low-cost energy reserves, skilled energy labour force, strategic energy infrastructure assets, and leading position in innovation and industry in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector position the country to become one of the top three global producers of clean hydrogen. The country is one of the top ten global producers of hydrogen today, producing an estimated 3 million tonnes annually.

About the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA)

The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) is a national association that supports industry, academia, government agencies, financial organizations and other stakeholders focused on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and products. As the collective voice of Canada’s world-leading hydrogen and fuel cell sector, the CHFCA’s mission is to strengthen Canadian leadership, raise awareness of the benefits of the technology, and accelerate the adoption of its members’ products and services in Canada and abroad. The CHFCA currently has 80 members across Canada and two regional branches in British Columbia and Quebec. You can also follow CHFCA on Twitter at

@PoweringNow or visit for more information.

About the Hydrogen Business Council of Canada

HBC is a like-minded community dedicated to bringing knowledge and opportunities to the minds and hands of those who can apply and realize the benefits of hydrogen technology in their work and their lives. We endeavor to ensure that the uptake of hydrogen opportunities that are happening in many global centres can also happen in Ontario and in Canada. Areas where we see clear priorities for community-building activities and programming include: 1)Hydrogen education and awareness-raising 2) Infrastructure road-mapping in an Ontario context to show the way to ultimately deliver a viable and sustainable hydrogen infrastructure and 3) Exploring ways and means for HBC to be instrumental in the enablement and development of hydrogen projects in partnership with industries, academia and governments.

About Hydrogène Québec

Hydrogène Québec is a branch of the CHFCA that supports the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in Quebec. Comprising companies in the energy/hydrogen/fuel cell value chain, research organizations, end users and stakeholders, Hydrogène Québec focuses on communications, advocacy, partnerships, safety and on stimulating the development of hydrogen projects.

About Hydrogen BC

Hydrogen BC is a branch of the CHFCA that supports the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in British Columbia. Comprising companies in the energy/hydrogen/fuel cell value chain, end users, research organizations, stakeholders and supported by the provincial government, Hydrogen BC focuses on communications, advocacy, partnerships, safety and on stimulating the development of hydrogen projects.


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